Our technical consultancy services include Technical Appraisals, Vessel Management, Optimum Tonnage, Opex Assessment, Optimal Budgeting, Safety Reviews and more.
Technical reliability is inextricably linked to the safe, efficient and cost-effective operation of any vessel. Dr Bill Moses and our expert team offer essential advisory services that are critical to vessel safety, garnered through years of first-hand experience.
Technical Assessments & Appraisals
We are able to provide specialist technical appraisals of vessels, terminal facilities and equipment, typically ranging from on/off-hire and condition surveys to insurance-related inspections.
Vessel Management
Whilst vessel management can be an onerous task, at FMS Maritime Consulting Services, we are able to recommend ways this can be carried out proficiently, whether in-house or through an external contractor. This allows an organisation to focus more clearly on the task of marketing and sales-led commercial development.
Optimum Tonnage
The financial performance of your fleet can be improved significantly through the implementation of more optimal tonnage distribution. At FMS we can carry out assessments and advisory services to ensure vessel capacity is matched more vigorously to the needs of your customers.
Opex and Capex Assessments
Despite operating costs growing ever larger, these can often be reduced through a careful process that involves benchmarking, identification of alternative suppliers and a tendering process. Our services ensure an unbiased assessment, and when compared to in-house services, result in improvements across the board.
Optimal Budgeting
We can help to optimise your budgeting through a process of comparison to industry standards, careful study and analysis of historic costs and trends, and accurate forecasting which helps to avoid early slippage and unwelcome surprises.
Safety Reviews
Safety reviews and regular monitoring help to determine the various shortfalls that can often appear in even the best-run vessels. Our reviews, which include physical inspection, are carried out professionally and in a way that is designed to avoid any disruption to the vessel or crew.